Canada 25 Cents Gold Coin 2015 Diwali - Festival of Lights

Canada 25 Cents Gold Coin 2015 Diwali - Festival of LightsCanada 25 Cents Gold Coin 2015 Queen Elizabeth II

Canada 25 Cents Gold Coin 2015 Diwali - Festival of Lights

A stunning keepsake that will become a cherished family heirloom to enrich Diwali celebrations for generations to come.

Diwali is the most important holiday in India. It's a New Year's celebration that is also known as the "Festival of Lights," and is celebrated by millions of people every year. The notion of light triumphing over dark is incredibly symbolic; so universal that it has inspired cultures around the world for centuries. But Diwali is more than a single flame; it fills homes, streets—and hearts!—with light. Diwali revellers are an incredibly diverse ethno-cultural group. Hindu, Sikh, Jain… every faith has its own Diwali legends, but the unifying thread is always a celebration of good triumphing over evil.

The flame at the centre of this coin captures the essence of the Festival, while its overall design echoes the Ashoka Chakra (wheel of the law) that appears on the national flag of India. The maple leaf and diya (clay lamp) illustrate the blending of multiple cultures, as Canada has become a home for Diwali celebrations.

Obverse: Susanna Blunt’s design of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Reverse: The reverse design by Canadian artist Sarindar Dhaliwal brings together East and West in this uplifting design inspired by the Ashoka Chakra (wheel of the law) that appears on the national flag of India. A maple leaf and diya (clay lamp) are key central elements that illustrate the blending of multiple cultures as Canada has become a home for Diwali celebrations. The flame at the centre of the design reflects the essence of the Festival of Lights, its light radiating outwards like spokes on a wheel that are framed by a ring of maple leaves.

Mintage: 10000.
Composition: 99.99% pure gold.
Finish: proof.
Weight: 0.5 g.
Diameter: 11 mm.
Edge: serrated.
Face value: 25 Cents.
Artist: Sarindar Dhaliwal (reverse), Susanna Blunt (obverse).
Manufacturer: Royal Canadian Mint.

Special features:
 - Expertly crafted with multiple finishes that bring exceptional detail, dimension and shine to this unique design.
 - A unique and upscale collectible that will make an outstanding gift during the most cherished of Indian celebrations.
 - With over a million Indo-Canadians now living in Canada, Diwali is celebrated in communities from coast to coast, enriching the multi-cultural experience of their residents and shining a bright light on Canada as a place of hope and freedom to share one's customs and beliefs.
 - Your coin is crafted in 99.99% pure gold and captures the shimmering essence of the Festival of Lights.
Canada 25 Cents Gold Coin Box 2015 Diwali - Festival of LightsDiwali - Festival of Lights