Yugoslavia 250 Dinara Silver Coin 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games - Jajce

Yugoslavia Coins 250 Dinara Silver Coin 1984 JajceCoins of Yugoslavia 250 Dinara Silver Coin 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games - Jajce

Coins of Yugoslavia 250 Dinara Silver Coin 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympic Games - Jajce

At the time, Sarajevo was the second largest city to host the Olympic Winter Games. These were the first Winter Olympic Games that featured gold coins. Marja-Liisa Haemaelaeinen of Finland was the first woman to win three gold medals in cross country skiing. Katarina Witt won her first Olympic gold medal in Figure Skating, and figure skating duo Jayne Torvill and Christopher Dean won the Gold Medal, and performed to the music of Ravel’s Bolero.

Obverse Design: The Olympic emblem of Sarajevo (The emblem symbolizes a stylized snowflake, as well as the embroidery produced in the Sarajevo region with the Olympic rings above.), the emblem of Yugoslavia, and a Cyrillic legend, meaning: “The Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”

Reverse Design: Jajce Village, 29.XI, 1943, and the legend, “XIV Zimske Olimpijske Igre Sarajevo ‘84”, meaning: “XIV Olympic Winter Games Sarajevo ‘84”.

The artists for all Reverse Designs were Nebojsa Mitric, Dragisa Andric, Dragomir Mileusnic, Djordje Jovanovic, and Ljubisa Mancic. The artist for all Obverse Designs was Nebojsa Mitric.

Diameter: 34 mm
Weight: 17 grams
Thickness: 1.85 mm
Composition: .925 silver and .075 copper
Edge: Milled
Struck by Zlatara Majdanpek (ZM) and Zavod za izradu novcanica (ZIN)
Mintage (ZM): 38,119
Mintage (ZIN): 3,649
Issue Price: 4,125 Dinar ($36 US)

1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympic Coins

Ice Sports

Snow Sports

Culture and History

 250 Dinara, Radimlja necropolis    250 Dinara, Jajce    250 Dinara, Sarajevo

Jajce is a city and municipality located in the central part of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in the Bosanska Krajina region. It is part of the Central Bosnia Canton of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina entity. It is on the crossroads between Banja Luka, Mrkonjić Grad and Donji Vakuf, on the confluence of the rivers Pliva and Vrbas.
  On 29 November 1943, during the Second World War, Jajce hosted the second convention of the Anti-Fascist Council of National Liberation of Yugoslavia, where Tito set up a provisional government and formally deprived the government in exile of its rights, the foundation for the post-war Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

  The Anti-Fascist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia, known more commonly by its Yugoslav abbreviation AVNOJ, (Serbo-Croatian: Antifašističko Vijeće Narodnog Oslobođenja Jugoslavije, AVNOJ) was the political umbrella organization for the national liberation councils of the Yugoslav resistance against the Axis occupation during World War II. It eventually became the Yugoslav provisional wartime deliberative body. It was established on November 26, 1942 to administer terrorities under the control of the Partisans.