
US Coins 1880 Silver Trade Dollar

US Coins 1880 Silver Trade DollarUnited States Coins 1880 Silver Trade Dollar Values

US Coins 1880 Silver Trade Dollar

United States Trade Dollars were authorized under the Mint Act of 1873, which had suspended production of the silver dollar. The new silver coins carried different specifications and were struck primarily for the purpose of export trade with Asia. Many surviving examples attest to this as they were counter stamped with Oriental characters or chop marks. Within the United States, the coins were initially legal tender for payments up to five dollars. When the price of silver plummeted, the legal tender status was revoked. After 1878, the series was only struck in limited quantities in proof format.

   The Trade Dollar was designed by William Barber and was loosely based on the design of contemporary silver coins in circulation designed by Christian Gobrecht. The obverse features an image of Liberty, seated on bales of merchandise in what appears to be a harbor or beach by the sea. Her right hand extends an olive branch, and her left holds a scroll inscribed LIBERTY. The motto IN GOD WE TRUST appears at the base, with the date below and thirteen stars surrounding.

   On the reverse, a bald eagle is pictured with its wings spread and a bundle of arrows and a branch in its talons. Under the eagle is the weight and fineness of the coin, appearing as 420 GRAINS, 900 FINE. The inscriptions UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and TRADE DOLLAR appear above and below, with E PLURIBUS UNUM appearing on a banner directly above the eagle. Except for some minor modifications, this design would remain the same until the last coins of the series were struck.

   The American Trade Dollar proved to be a success, and circulation mintages were fairly large, with the exception of a few issues like the 1873-CC and 1878-CC. A number of different varieties exist, as listed in the Red Book, but very few people actively collect the series by die variety. A number of doubled dies exist, along with repunched dates, and perhaps the most enigmatic of the series, the 1875-S/CC. This variety employed a reverse die which was first meant for the Carson City Mint, but was later used at the San Francisco Mint. Part of the underlying mintmark remains visible, although it might be weak on worn examples.
   Circulated Trade Dollars are available without much difficulty for most dates, however higher grade uncirculated examples are rare to extremely rare. The coins of this series did what they were supposed to do and were exported and circulated. Yet, for every issue at least a few near-gems or gems have survived, allowing a few high-end sets to be assembled. Proofs are easier to acquire, although the two famous rarities of the series, the 1884 and 1885 seldom appear for sale in any grade.

1873-1885 Silver Trade Dollar History

   Federal officials faced a dilemma in the years after the Civil War. The Comstock Lode and other Western mines were producing large quantities of silver, but the government could use only limited amounts of it in coinage. This seems puzzling in retrospect, for silver coins were few and far between in circulation (a lingering legacy of wartime hoarding), and Americans presumably would have welcomed major infusions of silver coins. But Mint officials feared that new silver coins would be subject to hoarding as well, since the marketplace was awash with paper money, including fractional currency born of wartime need. People would have been only too happy to exchange these notes, which brought less than full face value, for precious-metal coinage.
   For a time, the miners found outlets for their silver, often in coinage form, in foreign markets. Canada, Latin America and Europe all absorbed significant quantities during the 1860s. But then, for various reasons these markets became glutted. In Europe, for example, Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck established a gold standard for Germany after unifying the country in 1871 and promptly dumped huge amounts of silver on the international market.
   For the miners and their powerful allies in Washington these developments were doubly disturbing: Not only was it hard to sell their silver, but the market price was steadily declining. Initially, coinage did offer one escape valve: Under a long-standing law, silver could be deposited with the Mint for conversion into silver coins, for which it could then be exchanged. Having no other ready outlet, miners took advantage of this one. Invariably, they chose silver dollars, the one denomination that hadn't been changed when silver coins were reduced in weight (and precious-metal content) in 1853. As a direct result, silver dollar mintages soared above one million in both 1871 and 1872.
   But with the Coinage Act of 1873, Congress closed this loophole by suspending further production of silver dollars. And that's where the trade dollar came in: Flexing their muscle, the mining interests won approval for this new silver coin, one that would, in theory at least, not only provide an outlet for the metal, but also open a whole new market for it in an area that was already receiving Congressional attention.
   The market in question was the Orient, particularly China. Some U.S. silver had found its way to that region previously, but now a full-fledged offensive was planned. The Chinese had shown a decided preference for silver coins, and up to then the bulk of American trade with China had been carried out with Spanish and Mexican dollars. The trade dollar's architects set out to supplant those rivals by giving the new coin a higher silver content. They even had it inscribed on the coin: "420 GRAINS, 900 FINE." At first glance, the trade dollar looks much like a regular silver dollar. It's the same diameter and about the same weight as its predecessor the Seated Liberty dollar, and its portraiture is similar: a seated female figure representing Liberty on the obverse and a naturalistic eagle on the reverse designs prepared by Mint Chief Engraver William Barber.
   In contrast to the new trade dollar, the regular U.S. silver dollar contained just 412.5 grains, and the Mexican dollar had only 416. But the architects had miscalculated; though it weighed slightly less, the Mexican coin had a higher fineness and therefore contained slightly more pure silver. The astute Chinese recognized this and, in many provinces, gave the U.S. coin short shrift, favoring the Mexican coin.
   That's not to say the trade dollar wasn't used. On the contrary, over 27 million went overseas and found their way into Asian commerce, many later being sent on to India in trade for opium. Numerous pieces show chop marks, distinctive Chinese symbols placed on them by merchants to attest to their authenticity. But usage of the coins never approached Americans' expectations.
   The trade dollar's biggest problems occurred not in China but at home. In a last-minute deal, Congress had made the coin a legal tender for domestic payments up to $5. In 1876, millions were dumped into circulation in the United States when silver prices plummeted, making them worth substantially more as money than as metal. Congress quickly revoked their legal-tender status (the only time this has been done with any U.S. coin), but the seeds of serious trouble had been sown. In the late 1870s, employers bought up huge numbers of the coins at slightly more than bullion value (80 to 83 cents apiece) and then put them in pay envelopes at face value. Merchants and banks accepted them only at bullion value or rejected them altogether, so the workers effectively lost one-sixth to one-fifth of their pay at a time when that pay often amounted to less than $10 a week.
   Spurned abroad and despised by many at home, the trade dollar soon faded into oblivion. After 1878, production was suspended except for proofs and even those dwindled to just ten in 1884 and five in 1885. Like many other "fantasy" coins before them, the 1884 and 1885 pieces were clandestinely struck for Mint crony William Idler and were unknown to the numismatic community until six pieces from Idler's estate were sold by dealer John Haseltine in 1908. Notwithstanding their questionable origin, these two dates are viewed as great rarities today.
   In all, fewer than 36 million pieces were struck during the coin's 13-year lifespan, including about 11,000 proofs. Production took place at Philadelphia, Carson City and San Francisco. The rarest business strike is the 1878-CC with a mintage of 97,000, many of which appear to have been melted. All high-grade business strikes of the trade dollar are rare to non-existent, leaving proofs to fill most of the demand from type collectors. The extraordinary beauty of originally-toned proofs entices many collectors to attempt complete proof runs (excluding the virtually unavailable 1884 and 1885, of course). Indeed, any trade dollar is highly prized and sought in pristine condition. Points to check for wear include Liberty's ear, left knee and breast and the eagle's head and left wing.

Composition and Specifications 
   Trade dollars were struck out of the same composition as the previous Seated Liberty Dollars, consisting of 90% silver and 10% copper. However, the new Trade Dollar was heavier with a weight of 27.22 grams, compared to 26.73 grams for the previous series. The increase in weight and silver content was done intentionally in order to make the U.S. coins more attractive for export trade with the Orient.
   Each coin has a diameter of 38.1 mm with a reeded edge. Production of circulation strikes occurred from 1873 to 1878 at the Philadelphia, San Francisco and Carson City Mints. The mint marks for the latter two Mints are located on the reverse of the coin, beneath the eagle.
   Production quality varies. It is apparent when evaluating striking quality of some issues that producing the coins in quantity was more important than quality. However, with intensive searching sharply struck pieces can be found. Many Trade Dollars will be found with chop marks, or Chinese symbols stamped on the coins. These are sometimes collected separately from the chop-free coins.
   This series has been particularly prone to counterfeits, of both low and high quality. Buying raw, uncertified coins is not recommended, as some counterfeits are hard to discern from genuine coins.

1873-1885 Trade Dollars Mintage
   Trade Dollars were struck for circulation for less than five years during the period from July 1873 to April 1878. These coins were minted during the suspension of the standard silver dollar denomination and were intended primarily for export. The mintages ranged from a low of 97,000 to a high of more than 9 million. Across all dates and mint marks, there were nearly 36 million Trade Dollars produced.
   The majority of Trade Dollars were exported, in line with the intentions for the coins. Within Asian commerce the coins circulated heavily or were chop marked with Chinese characters, which impacted the quality of surviving examples. Melting would also have an impact on the absolute number of surviving coins. The 1878-CC Trade Dollar, which had the lowest mintage to begin with, was melted in quantity.
   The table below presents the mintage figures for circulation strike Trade Dollars. Coins were struck at Philadelphia, San Francisco, and Carson City.

1873-1878 Trade Dollar Mintages

1873      396,635
1873-CC      124,500
1873-S      703,000
1874      987,100
1874-CC      1,373,200
1874-S      2,549,000
1875      218,200
1875-CC      1,573,700
1875-S      4,487,000
1876      455,000
1876-CC      509,000
1876-S      5,227,000
1877      3,039,200
1877-CC      534,000
1877-S      9,519,000
1878-CC      97,000
1878-S      4,162,000