
US Coins 1829 Capped Bust Half Dime

US Coins 1829 Capped Bust Half DimeUnited States Coins 1829 Capped Bust Half Dime

US Coins 1829 Capped Bust Half Dime

The obverse, modified by Kneass, featured the head of Liberty, facing left. She wears a Phrygian cap inscribed LIBERTY with long, curling hair beneath and a gown visible near the truncation, secured with a brooch. The date, slightly curved, is directly under the truncation of the bust and comes in various sizes. There are seven stars are before Liberty and six stars behind, for the traditional total of thirteen.

The reverse featured a perched eagle, with its wings spread. A shield is placed at the eagle’s breast and its talons hold an olive branch and bundle of arrows. The denomination, for the first time on these small silver coins, appears below as 5 C. The motto E PLURIBUS UNUM is on a scroll directly above the head of the eagle, and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is spread from left to right wing tip in a curved fashion.

Half Dimes, the smallest silver denomination authorized by the Mint Act of April 1792, were not struck from 1806 to 1828. During this time, circulation of virtually all United States federal coinage was sparse, and half dimes were of such small intrinsic value that they were not used for exportation. The need of minor silver coinage was mostly fulfilled by silver coins from around the world, most notably Mexico and South-American countries.  On July 4, 1829, coinage of the Capped Bust Half Dime commenced, coinciding with the opening of the second Philadelphia Mint. The new series of half dimes would be produced in reasonably significant quantities from 1829 to 1837, making completion of a set an approachable goal for collectors.
  When the Capped Bust Half Dime was introduced in 1829, all silver coins that were struck by the United States Mint featured the same basic design. The design had been introduced on the half dollars in 1807, where it saw its greatest use, but also was used on the quarter dollars starting in 1815, and dimes starting in 1828. While the design on all of these denominations varied slightly, each was based on the work by John Reich, with William Kneass modifying the designs at a later date. Because of their small size, the Capped Bust Half Dimes appear noticeably different than larger denominations.

US Coins

1829 Capped Bust Half Dime    1818/7 Capped Bust Half Dollar

1829 - 1837 Half Dime Capped Bust History

In the United States of 1829, people's living conditions varied widely. The typical workingman made less than eighty cents for a day's work, and at least 75,000 Americans were languishing in debtors' prisons, most of them for debts of less than $20. Meanwhile, in Boston, the newly opened Tremont Hotel, said to be the nation's first modern hostelry, offered guests a private room with a key, four square meals and a free cake of soap, all for the modest sum of $2 a day. But rich or poor, at least no one had to long wistfully for a good five-cent cigar: Five cents would have bought several good cigars in that long-ago year.
  People buying five cents' worth of any item in 1829 could have given merchants exact change for their purchases in a number of different ways. Large copper cents and half cents, for example, both saw regular use in everyday commerce. The "nickel" however, did not yet come into being; it would not be issued until 1866. Prior to that, the only five-cent coin was a small silver piece known as the half dime. Unlike the present-day nickel, it contained very close to five cents' worth of metal, for at that time Americans insisted on coinage with high intrinsic value.
  The half dime (or half disme, as it was spelled initially) was one of the very first coins produced by the United States Mint. Workmen employed by the Mint struck 1,500 half dismes in a Philadelphia cellar on July 13, 1792, before the federal government had even acquired the site for the nation's first mint building. Part of the silver bullion used to make these coins reportedly consisted of tableware provided by President George Washington himself. These coins were official Mint issues, even though they're categorized as pattern or provisional pieces.
  The Philadelphia Mint struck its first regular-issue half dimes in 1794; they featured the so-called Flowing Hair portrait of Liberty. A Draped Bust portrait replaced this design in 1796 and remained in production through 1805 first in combination with a small-eagle reverse and then, from 1800 onward, with a heraldic eagle. At that point, however, the half dime made an unexplained exit from the nation's coinage lineup, not to reappear for more than two decades. The late Walter Breen, a renowned numismatic scholar, theorized that banks may have preferred the more readily available Mexican half-reale coin, worth one-sixteenth of a dollar, which circulated side by side with U.S. federal coins and like them, had legal-tender status.
  Not until 1829, the year of Andrew Jackson's arrival at the White House, did the half dime finally emerge from hibernation. When it did, it had a different look. For one thing, it was slightly smaller in diameter (although its weight was the same). More noticeably, it had undergone a face lift: The Draped Bust design was gone, and in its place was a left-facing portrait of Liberty with curly hair tucked inside a mobcap (a cap with a high, puffy crown)a likeness sometimes called the Turban Head but more commonly referred to as the Capped Bust. Gone, as well, was the old heraldic eagle; instead, the reverse depicted a naturalistic eagle with a shield superimposed on its breast.
  These were not entirely new designs: Portraits very much like them had graced some of the nation's larger silver coins (the half dollar, quarter and dime) since as far back as 1807, when the basic designs were fashioned by German-born Mint engraver John Reich. They were new to the half dime, though and in any case William Kneass, the Mint's chief engraver in 1829, had modified Reich's portraits sufficiently to be credited as designer of the later Capped Bust issues.
  Thirteen stars encircle the Capped Bust portrait of Liberty, and the date appears below her. On the reverse, E PLURIBUS UNUM is inscribed on a ribbon just above the eagle, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA hugs the upper rim, and the statement of value is shown below the eagle as 5 C.
  The Capped Bust half dime's lifespan coincided almost exactly with Andrew Jackson's tenure in the White House. It was issued annually from 1829 through 1837 the year "Old Hickory" returned to Tennessee after finishing two terms as the nation's seventh president. Production took place entirely at the Philadelphia Mint; the first branch mints didn't start issuing coins until 1838, by which time the Capped Bust half dime had been replaced by the Seated Liberty type (both types having been struck in 1837).
  By the standards of the time, mintage levels were relatively high throughout the series' brief life. Annual output fell below a million in only two of the nine different years in which the coin was made, and on both of those occasions, it didn't miss the million mark by much. Mintages ranged from a high of 2.76 million in 1835 to a low of 871,000 in 1837 and totaled just over 13 million for the series' entire run.
  There are a number of interesting die varieties, but only one of them, an 1837 with a small "5 C." commands a significant premium. The "5 C." exists in large and small varieties not only for 1837 but also for 1835 and 1836, and 1835 comes with large and small dates, as well as combinations of date and denomination sizes. Breen reported that very small numbers of proofs are known for some dates, ranging as high as 20 or more in 1829 and 1831. The Mint wasn't selling proof coins routinely at the time, so these were most likely presentation pieces or coins struck to order for the few "insider" collectors of the day.
  Capped Bust half dimes are relatively plentiful in grade levels up to Mint State-64 and fairly abundant even in MS-65. The supply drops off sharply, however, in grades of MS-66 and above. Points to check for wear include the drapery at the tip of Liberty's bust, the hair above her eye and the edges of the eagle's wings.
  Given the brevity of the series and the absence of any major rarities, collectors would face no formidable obstacles in putting together a complete date set of Capped Bust half dimes. In practice, however, many are content to treat it as a type coin and acquire just a single high-grade piece to represent the series as a whole.

1829-1837 Capped Bust Half Dimes: Composition and Specifications
  The specifications of the Capped Bust Half Dimes are somewhat different compared to the earlier half dimes which were struck until 1805. When the new series was introduced in 1829, the diameter was 15.5 mm, compared to the previous standard of 16.5 mm. The weight of the coins remained the same at 1.35 grams (20.85 grains). The composition also remained 89.24% silver and 10.76% copper. All coins were struck with a reeded edge.
  Production took place at the second Philadelphia Mint with improved technology. The coining press used a close collar, which would strike all three surfaces of the coin (obverse, reverse, and edge) at the same time. Previously, the reeding or lettering on the edge was applied in a separate procedure. The close collar standardized diameters and allowed metal to flow into the deepest areas of the die, improving strike quality.
  The higher mintage levels and advancements in technology result in more higher grade, attractive examples being available when compared to the earlier half dimes.  However, over the years some pieces (even or especially so in high grade) may have been cleaned, damaged or otherwise impaired. Coins which exhibit original and appealing coloration command a premium.
  Uncirculated examples are available for all dates, giving type set collectors the opportunity to acquire a nice specimen for a relatively little amount of money.

1829-1837 Capped Bust Half Dimes: Capped Bust Half Dime Mintages
  Since the half dime had not been struck for more than two decades, there was some pent up demand for the smallest sized silver denomination. The mintage for the first year of issue for the Capped Bust Half Dime series exceeded the total number of half dimes struck across both of the previous series. Mintages would remain at high levels for the duration of the short lived series.
  From 1829 to 1837, there would be more than 13 million Capped Bust Half Dimes produced. The annual production ranged from a low of 871,000 achieved in 1837 to a high of 2,760,000 achieved in 1835. These relatively high numbers make completion of a date set of these intriguing silver coins an achievable goal. However, completing a high grade set with original coloration and surfaces can prove to be surprisingly difficult.
  Die varieties exist for some dates, which draw interest from specialists. For 1835, the date and denomination occur in either large or small sizes, creating four different varieties. Small or large denominations also occur in 1836 and 1837. For 1834 and 1836 interesting varieties occurred when the date was mistakenly punched into the die upside down. Traces of the inverted 3 are still apparent beneath the correctly punched date.

The table below displays the mintage figures for each issue of the series.
1829 1,230,000
1830 1,240,000
1831 1,242,700
1832 965,000
1833 1,370,000
1834 1,480,000
1835 2,760,000
1836 1,900,000
1837 871,000

Breen, Walter, Walter Breen's Complete Encyclopedia of U.S. and Colonial Coins, F.C.I. Press/Doubleday, New York, 1988.
Morris, Richard B., Encyclopedia of American History, 5th Edition, Harper & Row, New York, 1976.
Taxay, Don, The U.S. Mint and Coinage, Arco Publishing Co., New York, 1966.
Valentine, D.W., The United States Half Dimes, American Numismatic Society, New York, 1931.
Yeoman, R.S., A Guide Book of United States Coins, 47th Edition, Western Publishing Co., Racine, WI, 1993.
Courtesy of Numismatic Guaranty Corporation An Historical Reference from the NGC PHOTO PROOF Series