Austrian Gold Coins 4 Florins 10 Francs 1892 Emperor Franz Joseph I
The obverse bears the right side profile of Emperor Franz Joseph I, ruler of the Habsberg Empire, wearing a laurel wreath crown and heavy whiskers. Surrounding his portrait is the Latin inscription “FRANCISCVS IOSEPHVS I D G EMPERATOR ET REX” translating as "Franz Joseph by the Grace of God, Emperor and King".
The reverse shows the Austro-Hungarian imperial coat of arms framed with the inscription “IMPERIUM AUSTRIACUM” (Empire of Austria). The tail of the coat of arms separates the dual denominationa of 4 Fl. and 10 Fr., with the date appearing at the bottom. The coin's edge is lettered with Franz Joseph I's personal motto “VIRIBUS UNITIS” (With United Forces).
Weight: 3.3258 grams of Gold. (0.0933 oz., 0.900 GOLD), Diameter: 19 mm
Krause-Mishler Catalog: KM# 2260