Coins Numismatics | World Coins Museum | Gold Coins | Silver Coins, Coin Collecting as an Investment
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United States Currency
United States Fractional Currency
Canadian Dollar
United States Military Payment Certificates
Confederate States of America Dollar - Civil War Money
US First Spouse Gold Coins - First Ladies of the United States
Swiss Franc
U.S. Presidential Dollar Coins
Early United States commemorative coins
Australian Currency
Kennedy Half Dollar Coins
United States Colony of the Philippines
French Franc
Deutsche Mark
Spanish Peseta
Italian Lira
Singapore Dollar
Israel Currency
Zodiac Signs - Silver Coin made with Swarovski Crystals
. The name given to the copper coin of two Pfennige, i.e., half a
, chiefly struck at Vienna at the beginning of the sixteenth century, and common throughout Tyrol, Styria, and other parts of the Holy Roman Empire.
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