
Zecchino. An Italian gold coin, corresponding in size to the Ducat. Some writers trace the origin of the name to la Zeccha or Giudecca, the mint in Venice. But a more probable etymology is that it was a corruption of Cyzicenus, i.e., a gold coin of Cyzicus. This Mysian city was famous for its electrum or pak "gold Staters, which eircuhitcd under the name of Cyziceni.
  The Zecchino was first struck by the Venetians about 1280, and bore on one side a standing figure of Christ, and on the other tlie Doge receiving the standard (gonfalone) from St. Mark. The motto was the same as on the Ducat.
  Modena, Mirandola, Savoy, and many other Italian principalities issued Zecchini, all more or less modifications of the original type. The multiples run as high as the piece of one hundred Zecchini, struck by the Doge Lodovieo Manin (1789-1797).
   The coin was very popular, and is alluded to by contemporary writers by the names of Sequin, Checkin, Checquin, Chekin, Chequin, Cecchine, Chickino, Chikino, Chicquin, Chiquiney, etc. All of these corruptions are referred to passim.