
Confederate silver Half Dollar CSA.

                           SILVER HALF DOLLAR, BY E. MASON, JR., NUMISMATIST.

                           STRUCK BY C. S. A., AT NEW ORLEANS MIXT, APRIL, 1861.

    It has been believed and recorded as an historical fact that the Southern Confederacy had no metallic currency. After a lapse of eighteen years, evidence now presents itself to show that four coins were struck off at the New Orleans Mint while that place was in the possession of the Confederate government. This discovery has been brought about by an article prepared by us for the Philadelphia Public Record, and inserted in that paper January 2d, 1879, under the caption of " A CRAZE FOR COINS," which gave the fancy prices placed upon rare pieces.
   A few days subsequently to the publication, we received a communication from B. F. Taylor, M. D., the Secretary and Treasurer of the Louisiana State Board of Health, giving the information that he had a Confederate coin in his possession. In reply, we wrote for a lead pencil rubbing of the piece, at the same time expressing a doubt as to the existence of any genuine coins of the Confederate States. The return mail
brought a rubbing of the coin.
   The obverse has the Goddess of Liberty with the thirteen stars, representing the States from which the Confederacy originated, and the date, " 1861." On the reverse a liberty-cap, beneath which is the American shield, the union of the latter containing seven stars, representing the seven seceding States, the whole being surrounded with a wreath of sugar cane and cotton in bloom, and the motto " Confederate States of America."
   Early in April, Mr. Taylor sent us the original coin together with the obverse die, requesting us to make public the existence of a Confederate coin, and set at rest the long disputed question concerning the issue of coins by the Confederate States during the civil rebellion. It was Mr. Taylor's desire that the coin and die should become the property of some historical or numismatic association, but private enterprise far outbid all
offers from scientific bodies to possess the coveted prize. Notwithstanding the extraordinary and extensive advertising done to secure a purchaser willing to remunerate the owner for a considerable outlay of money, and visits by the writer to various parts of the country to exhibit the coin and die, and presentation of the most convincing and irrefragible proofs of genuineness in the shape of documents, affidavits, published "Acts and Resolutions " of the C. S. A., issued during February and March, 1861, at Montgomery, Alabama, yet this almost unique coin, and equally interesting (though old and rusty) die from which the coin was struck, were sacrificed fora few hundred dollars to an enterprising coin dealer in New York. The United States government took a far greater interest in the subject than numismatists and historians generally, as the subjoined correspondence taken from the New Orleans Picayune, of April 9th, 1879, which we think of sufficient interest to reprint, will amply testify to.

                                                          CONFEDERATE ARCHIVES.

   The following correspondence in relation to the history of the Mint in this city while it was under the control of the Confederate States government will be found interesting:
                                                                                                                           WAR DEPARTMENT,
                                                                                            ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE,
                                                                                            WASHINGTON, March 27th, 1879.

DR. B. F. TAYIX)R, New Orleans, La.:
DEAR SIR : The inclosed circulars will explain to you the nature upon which I am now engaged :
     I beg to refer you to my friends, Generals Beauregard and Hood, and Captain Pierce of your city, for my service in the Confederate army. I would like to have from you for file with the Confederate archives, a letter stating when and where you were appointed chief coiner of the Confederate States Mint, instructions received, copies of originals of any official papers, sketehes, descriptions, etc., of all the coins made, etc. This will make a valuable addition to Confederate history, and I know no one but you can give it.
                                                                                                   Very truly, yours,
                                                                                                   MABCCS J. WRIGHT.

                                                                                                 NEW ORLEANS, LA., April 7th, 1879.

DEAR SIR : Your favor requesting a statement of the history of the New Orleans Mint, in reference to the coinage under the Confederate government, is received.
   That institution was turned over by the State of Louisiana the last of February, 1861, to the Confederate States of America, the old officers being retained and confirmed by the government, viz. : Wm. A. Elmore, Superintendent ; A. J. Guirot, Treasurer; M. F. Bonzano, M. D., Melter and Refiner; and Howard Millspaugh, Assayer.
   In the month of April orders were issued by Mr. Meraminger, Secretary of the Treasury, to the effect that designs for half dollar coins should be submitted to him for approval.
   Among several sent, the one approved bore on the obverse of the coin a representation of the Goddess of Liberty, surrounded by thirteen stars, denoting the thirteen States from whence the Confederacy sprung, and on the lower rim the figures 1861.
   On the reverse there is a shield with seven stars, representing the seceding States ; above the shield is a liberty-cap, and entwined around it stalks of sugar cane and cotton. The inscription is, " Confederate States of America." The dies were engraved by A. H. M. Peterson, engraver and die sinker, who is now living in Commercial Place. They were prepared for the coining press by Conrad Schmidt, foreman of the coining room (who is still living), from which four pieces only were struck.
   About this period an order came from the Secretary suspending operations on account of the difficulty of obtaining bullion, and the Mint was closed April 30th, 1861.
   Of the four pieces mentioned one was sent to the government, one presented to Prof. Biddle, of the University of Louisiana, one sent to Dr. E. Ames, of New Orleans, the remaining one being retained by myself. Upon diligent inquiry I am unable to find but one piece besides my own, that being in the possession of a Confederate officer of this city, who transmits it to his son as a souvenir of his father's services in the Confederate cause.
   So soon as copies are made I will take pleasure in sending you a specimen for
the archives you represent.
                                                                   Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
                                                                                                            B. F. TAYLOR, M. D.,
                                                                                                            Formerly Chief Coiner C. S. A.