
Coins of the United States - Bronze Coinage.


   In 1864 Congress ordered a new alloy for the coinage of Two and One Cent pieces, to consist of ninety-five per cent of copper and five per cent, of tin and zinc. Weight : 96 grains, and 48 grains respectively.
Two Cent Bronze Piece. Obverse : Large figure " 2," below in a semi-circle, "CENTS," surrounded by a wheat wreath. Legend : " UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Reverse : A large United States shield, with olive branches overhanging. Above the shield a scroll with the motto, "IN GOD WE TRUST," upon it. Exergue: "1864."


   No change whatever was made in this coinage down to 1873, when, by act of Congress, the issue of the Two Cent Bronze Piece was discontinued.

   In 1864 Congress duly authorized the coinage of the Bronze Cent, ordering its weight to be made 48 grains, and the alloy to contain ninety-five per cent, copper, and five per cent o and zinc. Obverse: An American Indian's head, weanng i coronet of feathers, with "LIBERTY" inscribed around base Legend: "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. "1864." Reverse: Inscription, "ONE CENT," surrounded by an oak-leaf wreath, arrows at the base of wreath, their points lacing to the right, to left of which are olive leaves, tied together with a loose knot, and a bow of a ribbon ; above the inscription a small United States shield is placed.


   No change has since taken place in device, with the exception of date of year of issue appearing each successive year to this present date.