British Silver Coins - Queen Anne.

                                                             Queen Anne, 1702 to 1714.

     The coinage of Queen Anne was conducted upon the same principles as that of her predecessors, and consisted of pieces of the same denominations, value, size, and fineness. Upon all of them her bust is represented, turned to the left, her hair turned up and bound by a fillet, her shoulders covered with drapery fastened by a broach in front. The legend is ANNA DEI GRATIA. Her current money has her arms crosswise in four shields, with the star of the garter in the centre; around are her titles, MAG. BR. FRA. ET HIB. REG. The plumes upon some indicate that the silver was derived from the Welch mines of Sir Carberry Price and Sir Humphrey Mackworth; the rose occurs sometimes on the same pieces with the plumes, because silver from the west of England was combined with Welch silver in their manufacture. The coins with the plumes were frequently called Quakers' money, because the company by whom the mines were worked comprised amongst its members many persons of that denomination.

Crowns: There are three varieties of heads upon these pieces. The first appears upon all pieces before the Union; the hair, in front, curls slightly over the end of the fillet, the under edge of which is clearly seen. Of these we have, dated 1703, TERTIO. with VIGO under the bust, in commemoration of the capture, in Oct. 1702, of Vigo and the Spanish galleons, from which the silver was taken of which they were struck. Upon the reverse there are not any symbols between the shields. Rud. xxxvii. 9. MB. 1705. QVINTO, plumes in the angles. Rud. xxxvii. 17. MB. 1706. QVINTO, Roses and plumes alternately in the angles. MB. 1707. SEXTO. Rud. xxxvii. 13. MB.

   The second variety of head occurs after the Union. The lower side of the fillet is concealed by the curled ends of three locks of hair, a large one between two smaller ones. Upon these pieces the upper and lower shields have England and Scotland impaled, France at the right, Ireland at the left. Of these we have 1707, SEPTIMO, no symbols in the angles. Rud. xxxviii. 17. MB. 1708, SEPTIMO, no symbols. MB. 1708. SEPTIMO, plume in each angle. Rud. xxxviii. 1. Sn. xvii. 39. MB. To this class belongs the crowns 1707. SEXTO. Rud. xxxviii. 9. MB. and 1708. SEPTIMO. MB. which have E under the bust, because they were struck in Edinburgh. These belong to the Scottish series.

   The third variety of head occurs only upon the crown dated 1713, DVODECIMO. with rose and plume alternately in the angles; the fillet has its lower edge concealed only by two locks which curl different ways. MB. See Rud. xxxviii. 5, where the piece is dated 1710, a date which we believe does not occur upon any crown of Queen Anne; nor are there any crowns dated 1702 as Rud. xxxvii. 1., or with E and star under the bust, as Rud. xxxviii. 13.

Half-Crowns: There are only two varieties of heads upon the half-crowns. That before the Union has the front locks with a sharp termination. Of these there are 1703, TERTIO, no symbols on reverse, VIGO under the bust. Rud. xxxvii. 10 Sn. xvii. 32. MB. Similar without the word VIGO. Rud. xxxvii. 2. MB. extremely rare., Le Grand's in 1836, in fine condition, sold for £3..3. 1704, TERTIO, plumes in the angles. MB. 1705, QVINTO, plumes. Rud. xxxvii. 18. MB. 1706. QVINTO, roses and plumes alternately. MB. 1707. SEXTO, roses and plumes. Rud. xxxvii. 14. MB. The half-crown after the Union, 1708, SEPTIMO, with plumes on the rev. has the same head, perhaps also some others, but we have not observed them.

The busts after the Union have the front locks more curled and blunt at the ends, and instead of BR. FRA the reading is BRI. FR. If these there are without symbols, 1707. SEPTIMO. MB. 1708. SEPTIMO. MB. 1709. OCTAVO. MB. 1713. DVODECIMO. Rud. xxxviii. 18. MB. With plumes, 1708. SEPTIMO. Rud. xxxviii. 2. MB. With roses and plumes, 1710. NONO. Rud. xxxviii. 6. MB. 1712. UNDECIMO. MB. 1713. DVODECIMO. MB. 1714. DECIMO TERTIO. MB. With E under the bust, 1707. SEXTO. MB. 1708. SEPTIMO. Rud. xxxviii. 10. MB. There is not any half-crown with E and star under the bust as Rud. xxxviii. 14.

There are four varieties of busts upon the shillings. The first occurs only upon those dated 1702, the hair is rather coarse, the filet slightly twisted, the ends long. Of these we have 1702, plain. Rud. xxxvii. 3. MB. 1702. Plumes. MB. 1702. VIGO, under the bust. Rud. xxxvii. 11. Sn. xvii. 24. MB. The second head is rather shorter, has the hair finer, the fillet plain, the ends shorter. Of these there are, 1703. VIGO under the bust. MB. 1704. plain. 1704. plumes. MB. 1705. plain. MB. 1705. plumes. Rud. xxxvii. 19. MB. 1705. roses and plumes. Rud. xxxvii. 15. MB. 1707. roses and plumes. MB. and also a shilling after the Union, 1708, with roses and plumes.

   The third bust commences after the Union; the hair in front conceals the end of the fillet, the two curls above which are very small. Of these we have 1707. plain. Rud. xxxviii. 19. MB. 1707. plumes. Rud. xxxviii. 3. MB. 1708. plain. MB. 1708. plumes. MB. 1708. roses and plumes. CUFF. 1709. plain. MB. 1710. roses and plumes. Rud. xxxviii. 7. MB. 1711. plain. CUFF.

   The fourth bust has the locks of hair more detached; and curled, not smooth, above the fillet. Of these there are 1711. plain. MB. 1712. roses and plumes. MB. 1713. roses and plumes. MB. 1714. roses and plumes. MB.

   Of the third bust we have 1708, with E underneath. Rud. xxxviii. 11. MB. 1708 with E and a star. Rud. xxxviii. 15. MB. The bust of 1709 with E and a very small star is not exactly like any of the former, it is distinguished by the two curls above the fillet, curling backwards and being formed like the letter S; these two curls upon all the other busts curl one forwards the other backwards.

 Sixpences: The busts upon these do not present any variations capable of being distinguished in description. We have before the Union; 1703. VIGO under the bust. Rud. xxxvii. 12. Sn. xvii. 17. MB. 1705. plain. Rud. xxxvii. 4. 1705. plumes. Rud. xxxvii. 20. MB. 1705. roses and plumes. Rud. xxxvii. 16. MB. 1707. roses and plumes. MB. After the Union we have; plain, 1707. . 1708. MB. 1711. Rud. xxxviii. 20. MB. with plumes, 1707. Rud. xxxviii. 4. MB. 1708. With roses and plumes. MB. 1710. Rud. xxxviii. 8. MB. With E under the bust. 1707. Rud. xxxviii. 12. MB. With E and a star. Rud. xxxviii. 16. MB.

  The Maundy Money has upon the obverse the Queen's bust, as upon her current coin; and on the reverse, instead of the armorial shields, numerals indicating the value, with a crown above; these differ only in the mode in which the Queen's title are abridged.

Groats occur of these dates 1703. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1713. all in MB. Rud. xxxvii. 5.

Three-Pences occur of the dates 1703. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1713. all in MB. Rud. xxxvii. 6.

Half-Groats occur in 1703. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1713. all in MB. Rud. xxxvii. 7.

Pennies occur of the dates 1703. 1705. 1706. 1708. 1709. 1710. 1713. all in MB. Rud. xxxvii. 8.